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Useful template functions for Go templates.

Cryptographic and Security Functions

Sprig provides a couple of advanced cryptographic functions.


The sha1sum function receives a string, and computes it’s SHA1 digest.

sha1sum "Hello world!"


The sha256sum function receives a string, and computes it’s SHA256 digest.

sha256sum "Hello world!"

The above will compute the SHA 256 sum in an “ASCII armored” format that is safe to print.


The adler32sum function receives a string, and computes its Adler-32 checksum.

adler32sum "Hello world!"


The bcrypt function receives a string, and generates its bcrypt hash.

bcrypt "myPassword"


The htpasswd function takes a username and password and generates a bcrypt hash of the password. The result can be used for basic authentication on an Apache HTTP Server.

htpasswd "myUser" "myPassword"

Note that it is insecure to store the password directly in the template.


The randBytes function accepts a count N and generates a cryptographically secure (uses crypto/rand) random sequence of N bytes. The sequence is returned as a base64 encoded string.

randBytes 24


The derivePassword function can be used to derive a specific password based on some shared “master password” constraints. The algorithm for this is well specified.

derivePassword 1 "long" "password" "user" ""

Note that it is considered insecure to store the parts directly in the template.


The genPrivateKey function generates a new private key encoded into a PEM block.

It takes one of the values for its first param:


The buildCustomCert function allows customizing the certificate.

It takes the following string parameters:

It returns a certificate object with the following attributes:


$ca := buildCustomCert "base64-encoded-ca-crt" "base64-encoded-ca-key"

Note that the returned object can be passed to the genSignedCert function to sign a certificate using this CA.


The genCA function generates a new, self-signed x509 certificate authority using a 2048-bit RSA private key.

It takes the following parameters:

It returns an object with the following attributes:


$ca := genCA "foo-ca" 365

Note that the returned object can be passed to the genSignedCert function to sign a certificate using this CA.


The genCAWithKey function generates a new, self-signed x509 certificate authority using a given private key.

It takes the following parameters:

It returns an object with the following attributes:


$ca := genCAWithKey "foo-ca" 365 (genPrivateKey "rsa")

Note that the returned object can be passed to the genSignedCert function to sign a certificate using this CA.


The genSelfSignedCert function generates a new, self-signed x509 certificate using a 2048-bit RSA private key.

It takes the following parameters:

It returns an object with the following attributes:


$cert := genSelfSignedCert "" (list "" "") (list "" "") 365


The genSelfSignedCertWithKey function generates a new, self-signed x509 certificate using a given private key.

It takes the following parameters:

It returns an object with the following attributes:


$cert := genSelfSignedCertWithKey "" (list "" "") (list "" "") 365 (genPrivateKey "ecdsa")


The genSignedCert function generates a new, x509 certificate signed by the specified CA, using a 2048-bit RSA private key.

It takes the following parameters:


$ca := genCA "foo-ca" 365
$cert := genSignedCert "" (list "" "") (list "" "") 365 $ca


The genSignedCertWithKey function generates a new, x509 certificate signed by the specified CA, using a given private key.

It takes the following parameters:


$ca := genCA "foo-ca" 365
$cert := genSignedCert "" (list "" "") (list "" "") 365 $ca (genPrivateKey "ed25519")


The encryptAES function encrypts text with AES-256 CBC and returns a base64 encoded string.

encryptAES "secretkey" "plaintext"


The decryptAES function receives a base64 string encoded by the AES-256 CBC algorithm and returns the decoded text.

"30tEfhuJSVRhpG97XCuWgz2okj7L8vQ1s6V9zVUPeDQ=" | decryptAES "secretkey"